
9 Questions Kids Ask about God

As adults, we often find ourselves surprised by the questions and ideas that come from the mouths of children. Some we might dismiss as naïve, silly, or the product of an overactive imagination. But sometimes, the questions that children ask can open our eyes to fresh insights and new ways of thinking about things. So…

Can Christians Burn Incense?

The use of incense in worship and prayer has deep roots in ancient Israel as well as in other cultures and religions. The Catholic Church and some other Christian bodies still burn incense as part of their corporate worship. But what about individual Christians? Can Christians burn incense on their own? And does doing so…

Is Christianity a Way of Life?

Is Christianity a religion or a relationship? This is a common question that often stirs tension between Christians who emphasize belief and doctrine and those who emphasize acts of compassion and service. Is what we believe most important, or how we treat others? As Christians, are we content to subscribe to rituals, customs, and a…

Is God Mentioned in the Constitution?

For many American Christians, love of God and love of country go hand-in-hand. To these believers, patriotism and upholding the US Constitution have functionally become tenets of faith. This particular expression of American Christianity often concedes with conservative values and a sincere desire to see America embrace its heritage as a Christian nation. This notion…

Is God Patient?

In some Bible stories, we see Jesus forgiving sinners and God rescuing people from harm. In others stories, we witness God’s people being defeated and evil people facing judgment. If we aren’t reading the Bible carefully, we might have a hard time making sense of these passages and what they tell us about God. Specifically,…

Is Heaven Worth It?

In a previous article, we explored the Bible’s description of heaven. In the piece, we examined the splendor of heaven and the absence of sin, suffering, and death. For some, the cost of following Jesus seems too steep if the reward is just eternity in a big, shiny city. If you’re inclined to dismiss the…

Can God Prevent Evil?

For millennia, people have questioned the goodness, power, and love of God because of the persistence of evil in the world. As we witness the atrocities that humans inflict on each other, we wish that God would intervene with swift and decisive justice. So we ask, “Can God prevent evil?” Or perhaps destroy evil and…

Can God Forgive Without Punishing?

As Christians, we know that we have been forgiven through Jesus’ death on the cross. Yet it seems that when we sin, the consequences and our guilt punish us all over again. Sometimes, the fallout from our sins might last years—or even a lifetime. But if Jesus’ paid the price for our sins, why do…

Can God Bless a Marriage that Started in Sin?

Many Christians are familiar with God’s expectations and instructions regarding marriage. Likewise, we also understand the joys and blessings that God intends to impart on us through the good gift of marriage. Yet, not all of us were following Jesus before we were married. And even if we were, not all of us avoided every…

Can God be Jealous?

Jealousy. Envy. The green-eyed monster. We think of jealousy as a very negative emotion full of resentment, selfishness, and even hatred. So how is it that the Bible can describe God as a jealous God? If jealousy is bad but God is righteous, can God be jealous? Or have we been using this word wrong…