
How Christians Explain Dinosaurs

Children and adults alike are fascinated by dinosaurs. From action movies to toys to trips to the natural history museum, dinosaurs capture and keep our attention. But what about all of the science of dinosaurs that we learned as children? If dinosaurs are millions of years old and have evolved into modern species of birds…

Do Christians have Godparents?

From Don Vito Corleone in The Godfather to the Fairy Godmother of Cinderella, literature and cinema have given us a panoramic view of godparents. No matter our frame of reference, we have come to understand godparents as protectors, benefactors, and sympathizers who care for their charges as they would for their own children. But are…

Why Gay People Can Be Christians

No issue has brought more conflict and division into the 21st-century Western church than the issue of homosexuality. Families, congregations, and whole denominations have been fractured by irreconcilable differences and disagreement over this one topic alone. As society’s views toward homosexuality have relaxed since the late 20th-century, the church has increasingly felt the pressure of…

Should Christians Believe in Aliens?

Since the early 20th century, the idea of alien life has captured our imagination. Since HG Wells first stoked our fascination with extraterrestrials with The War of the Worlds, people have continued to create stories about all manner of aliens. Some are grotesque, others appear human. Some are hostile, while others are endearing. But to…

Should Christians Smoke or Vape?

Smoking has been popular for centuries. And throughout its history, perspectives on smoking have been quite varied. Smoking has been embraced as an aristocratic luxury, glorified by entertainment icons, and modernized by the vape market. But it has also been chastised as a habit of delinquents and derelicts and condemned as a health risk. With…

Did Jesus Descend to Hell?

One of the more interesting doctrinal questions among different Christian traditions is the debate over whether or not Jesus spent any time in hell between his death and resurrection. Some traditions teach that Jesus experienced torment in hell, or entered hell to rescue faithful people who had already died. Others suggest that his time in…

Veganism: Should Christians Be Vegan?

The vegan lifestyle has become increasingly popular, and vegan products are easier than ever to find. The reasons behind this trend are varied and include appeals to health concerns, climate concerns, and the proper treatment of animals. So how should Christians respond to this trend? Should Christians embrace or reject veganism, or is the choice…

Pendulums: Is it Okay for Christians to Use Them?

If you’ve ever encountered anyone dabbling in mysticism, you may have witnessed meditation aided by a crystal pendulum. In rare instances, you may have even seen a pendulum used in a church or at a church function. So what are these crystals about? Are these magic pendulums, or are they simply physical objects that help…

Christians and Valentine’s Day: Should Christians Celebrate?

Hearts, candy, and flowers. Romantic dinners and weekend getaways. For some Valentine’s Day is a special day to celebrate a special loved one, and shower that person with gifts and affection. For others, it is seen as a commercialized occasion designed to generate sales of greeting cards. For others still, Valentine’s Day is nothing more…

Christians and Depression: 7 Myths Debunked

We encounter depression in many places in our lives. Its sufferers are found in our workplaces, our schools, our churches, and perhaps in our households. As Christians, we know the love of God and the hope of salvation in Jesus. So do we really need to address depression? After all, if Jesus has overcome the…