
How Can God be Three in One?

One unique aspect of Christianity is our understanding of God as a Trinity consisting of Father, Son, and Spirit. These are not three separate Gods. Yet, they are three separate persons existing together as one God. For centuries Christians have struggled to understand and articulate this unique aspect of God’s nature. How can God be…

What Will Heaven Be Like?

In artwork and cartoons, we see heaven depicted as a settlement in the clouds where we sprout wings and play harps. We might be inclined to think of heaven as a boring place if this is the image that we place our hope in. Can we get a better description of heaven from scripture? What…

Can God Make Miracles Happen?

The Bible is full of miracles. Moses, Elijah, and of course Jesus, all performed a variety of signs and wonders that defy explanation. We celebrate these events, and we share the stories with our children. But we don’t really expect to see these miracles today. So we wonder, can God make miracles happen? And if…

Can God Talk to You through Dreams?

Dreams have a way of capturing our imagination. Some of us experience adventures in our dreams, others wrestle with conflict and terror. And sometimes our recollection is so vivid that our dreams seem real. But could our dreams be more than just products of our own imaginations? Might some of them have divine origins? Can…

Can God Hear You Pray in Your Head?

Most of us have attended a church service that included a time of silent meditation. Or perhaps a preacher invited the congregation to pray silent prayers of confession before administering communion. Clearly, there is a precedent throughout the church for silent prayer and an expectation that God will hear us. But when you pray silently,…

Can Christians be Rich?

In our culture, and even in our churches, we often associate wealth and riches with greed and corruption. And we have no trouble finding Bible verses to support disdain for, or condemnation of, the rich. But are we right to assume that riches are incompatible with following Jesus? Is it possible that Christians can be…

Will God Forgive Me for Doubting Him?

Scripture testifies that we receive salvation through God’s forgiveness. John assures us that when we ‘confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness,’ (1 John 1:9). And Paul teaches that ‘it is by grace you have been saved, through faith,’ (Ephesians 2:8). But…

Will God Forgive Mortal Sins?

Somewhere, you may have heard of a category of sins that are especially serious and damaging. In Catholic teaching, these are called mortal sins, because of their serious impact and consequences. But what exactly are mortal sins? And perhaps more importantly, will God forgive mortal sins? Mortal sins are sins that lead to death. The…

Why do Churches Recite Creeds?

If you grew up in the church, you may have spent your Sunday school or Catechism classes learning and memorizing one of the well-known Christian creeds. And even today, you may regularly join your congregation in reciting the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed each Sunday? Have you ever thought about the origins, history, and…

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Halloween is a popular holiday in North America, particularly among children. Adults may enjoy the creativity of costume parties and haunted houses, while children look forward to candy, games, and (of course) more candy. Yet Christians remain divided over Halloween. Some embrace the costumes and celebrations, while others proceed cautiously and limit their involvement. Still,…