
Is God Black or White?

If people are made in the image of God, why do we all look so different? Is there a race that most resembles God, and if so which one? Sadly, questions such as these—and their engineered answers—have led people to disdain—even mistreat—members of different ethnicities. Instead of relying on our assumptions and doing more damage…

Can God Restore Virginity?

God calls us to maintain sexual purity by reserving sexual intimacy for marriage. But most people do not wait until marriage to engage in sexual intercourse. For many Christians, particularly as they prepare for marriage, the guilt of premarital sex can weigh heavily on them. Desiring to approach marriage with a clean conscience and a…

Can God and Science Coexist?

In the 21st-century, faith and science seem to be increasingly at odds. What was once a disagreement over evolution vs. creation has grown into divergent views on climate change, vaccination, and more. Are faith and science compatible? Or is it impossible for a person to embrace science while still believing in God and the Bible?…

Can Christians be Cremated?

Cremation is more popular in America than it has ever been. Even though the church has a longstanding tradition of burying our departed loved ones, cremation is growing in popularity among Christians as well as non-Christians. Is there any reason that Christians should avoid cremation? Is cremation prohibited in the Bible? And will a cremated…

Can God Forgive Murderers?

Murder is universally understood as one of the most heinous and serious crimes. Every jurisdiction in the world condemns murder to at least some degree. In the developed world, murder is at the top of a short list of crimes that may be punishable by death. God prohibited murder in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:13),…

Can Christians Celebrate Passover?

Celebration of the Passover meal (Seder) is becoming increasingly common in Christian communities. Yet the practice is not without its detractors—within Christianity and Judaism alike. What prompts this trend in some Christian circles? And is it Biblical—and culturally wise—for Christians to celebrate Passover? For Christians, observance of Passover is neither required nor prohibited. Christians may…

Why Did Christianity Become so Widely Accepted?

For centuries, Christianity has been the largest religion in the world. In the 21st century, an estimated 2.4 billion people claim the mantel of Christianity. How did a religion started by a peasant preacher from an oppressed nation rise to such prominence? How—and why—did Christianity become so widely accepted in a world that was so…

Will God Forgive Me for Lying to Him?

There are many ways to lie. People cheat on taxes and cheat on spouses. They exaggerate their accomplishments and deny their shortcomings. Sometimes, we might even lie to God when we withhold our offerings, make excuses for our sins, or put on a front of self-righteousness. But what happens when we lie to God? Does…

Is God Unchanging?

If you perform a cursory review of scripture, you might come to the conclusion that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are two very different beings. In fact, this is a point often cited by critics of Christianity. Yet Christians repeatedly claim that God does not change. Are…

Can God Call a Woman to be an Apostle?

When we think of “apostles,” most of us think first of Peter, James, John, and the rest of the original twelve. All of them men. The New Testament setting was a male-dominated culture, so it doesn’t surprise us to see that all of the apostles were men. But can God call a woman to be…